Source code for mvlearn.embed.utils

# License: MIT

from scipy.stats import norm
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds

def _compute_likelihood(arr):
    Computes the log likelihoods based on normal distribution given
    a 1d-array of sorted values. If the input has no variance,
    the likelihood will be nan.

    .. [#3EUtils] Code from the package,
        reproduced and shared with permission.
    n_elements = len(arr)
    likelihoods = np.zeros(n_elements)

    for idx in range(1, n_elements + 1):
        # split into two samples
        s1 = arr[:idx]
        s2 = arr[idx:]

        # deal with when input only has 2 elements
        if (s1.size == 1) & (s2.size == 1):
            likelihoods[idx - 1] = -np.inf

        # compute means
        mu1 = np.mean(s1)
        if s2.size != 0:
            mu2 = np.mean(s2)
            # Prevent numpy warning for taking mean of empty array
            mu2 = -np.inf

        # compute pooled variance
        variance = (
            (np.sum((s1 - mu1) ** 2) + np.sum((s2 - mu2) ** 2))
        ) / (n_elements - 1 - (idx < n_elements))
        std = np.sqrt(variance)

        # compute log likelihoods
        likelihoods[idx - 1] = np.sum(
            norm.logpdf(s1, loc=mu1, scale=std)
        ) + np.sum(norm.logpdf(s2, loc=mu2, scale=std))

    return likelihoods

[docs]def select_dimension( X, n_components=None, n_elbows=2, threshold=None, return_likelihoods=False, ): r""" Generates profile likelihood from array based on Zhu and Godsie method [#2EUtils]_. Elbows correspond to the optimal embedding dimension. Parameters ---------- X : 1d or 2d array-like Input array generate profile likelihoods for. If 1d-array, it should be sorted in decreasing order. If 2d-array, shape should be (n_samples, n_features). n_components : int, optional, default: None. Number of components to embed. If None, ``n_components = floor(log2(min(n_samples, n_features)))``. Ignored if X is 1d-array. n_elbows : int, optional, default: 2. Number of likelihood elbows to return. Must be > 1. threshold : float, int, optional, default: None If given, only consider the singular values that are > threshold. Must be >= 0. return_likelihoods : bool, optional, default: False If True, returns the all likelihoods associated with each elbow. Returns ------- elbows : list Elbows indicate subsequent optimal embedding dimensions. Number of elbows may be less than n_elbows if there are not enough singular values. sing_vals : list The singular values associated with each elbow. likelihoods : list of array-like Array of likelihoods of the corresponding to each elbow. Only returned if `return_likelihoods` is True. References ---------- .. [#1EUtils] Code from the package, reproduced and shared with permission. .. [#2EUtils] Zhu, M. and Ghodsi, A., "Automatic dimensionality selection from the scree plot via the use of profile likelihood. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis." 51(2):918-930, 2006 """ # Handle input data if not isinstance(X, np.ndarray): msg = "X must be a numpy array, not {}.".format(type(X)) raise ValueError(msg) if X.ndim > 2: msg = "X must be a 1d or 2d-array, not {}d array.".format(X.ndim) raise ValueError(msg) elif np.min(X.shape) <= 1: msg = "X must have more than 1 samples or 1 features." raise ValueError(msg) # Handle n_elbows if not isinstance(n_elbows, int): msg = "n_elbows must be an integer, not {}.".format(type(n_elbows)) raise ValueError(msg) elif n_elbows < 1: msg = "number of elbows should be an integer > 1, not {}.".format( n_elbows ) raise ValueError(msg) # Handle threshold if threshold is not None: if not isinstance(threshold, (int, float)): msg = "threshold must be an integer or a float, not \ {}.".format( type(threshold) ) raise ValueError(msg) elif threshold < 0: msg = "threshold must be >= 0, not {}.".format(threshold) raise ValueError(msg) # Handle n_components if n_components is None: # per recommendation by Zhu & Godsie k = int(np.ceil(np.log2(np.min(X.shape)))) elif not isinstance(n_components, int): msg = "n_components must be an integer, not {}.".format( type(n_components) ) raise ValueError(msg) else: k = n_components # Check to see if svd is needed if X.ndim == 1: D = np.sort(X)[::-1] elif X.ndim == 2: # Singular values in decreasing order D = svds( A=X, k=k, return_singular_vectors=False ) D = np.sort(D)[::-1] # U, D, V = sklearn.utils.extmath.randomized_svd() if threshold is not None: D = D[D > threshold] if len(D) == 0: msg = "No values greater than threshold {}." raise IndexError(msg.format(threshold)) idx = 0 elbows = [] values = [] likelihoods = [] for _ in range(n_elbows): arr = D[idx:] lq = _compute_likelihood(arr) idx += np.argmax(lq) + 1 elbows.append(idx) values.append(D[idx - 1]) likelihoods.append(lq) if return_likelihoods: return elbows, values, likelihoods else: return elbows, values