Source code for mvlearn.embed.mvmds

# License: MIT

from .base import BaseEmbed
from ..utils.utils import check_Xs
import warnings
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import euclidean_distances

[docs]class MVMDS(BaseEmbed): r""" An implementation of Classical Multiview Multidimensional Scaling for jointly reducing the dimensions of multiple views of data [#1MVMDS]_. A Euclidean distance matrix is created for each view, double centered, and the k largest common eigenvectors between the matrices are found based on the stepwise estimation of common principal components. Using these common principal components, the views are jointly reduced and a single view of k-dimensions is returned. MVMDS is often a better alternative to PCA for multi-view data. See the ``tutorials`` in the documentation. Parameters ---------- n_components : int (positive), default=2 Represents the number of components that the user would like to be returned from the algorithm. This value must be greater than 0 and less than the number of samples within each view. num_iter: int (positive), default=15 Number of iterations stepwise estimation goes through. dissimilarity : {'euclidean', 'precomputed'}, default='euclidean' Dissimilarity measure to use: 'euclidean': Pairwise Euclidean distances between points in the dataset. 'precomputed': Xs is treated as pre-computed dissimilarity matrices. Attributes ---------- components_: numpy.ndarray, shape(n_samples, n_components) Joint transformed MVMDS components of the input views. Notes ----- Classical Multiview Multidimensional Scaling can be broken down into two steps. The first step involves calculating the Euclidean Distance matrices, :math:`Z_i`, for each of the :math:`k` views and double-centering these matrices through the following calculations: .. math:: \Sigma_{i}=-\frac{1}{2}J_iZ_iJ_i .. math:: \text{where }J_i=I_i-{\frac {1}{n}}\mathbb{1}\mathbb{1}^T The second step involves finding the common principal components of the :math:`\Sigma` matrices. These can be thought of as multiview generalizations of the principal components found in principal component analysis (PCA) given several covariance matrices. The central hypothesis of the common principal component model states that given k normal populations (views), their :math:`p` x :math:`p` covariance matrices :math:`\Sigma_{i}`, for :math:`i = 1,2,...,k` are simultaneously diagonalizable as: .. math:: \Sigma_{i} = QD_i^2Q^T where :math:`Q` is the common :math:`p` x :math:`p` orthogonal matrix and :math:`D_i^2` are positive :math:`p` x :math:`p` diagonal matrices. The :math:`Q` matrix contains all the common principal components. The common principal component, :math:`q_j`, is found by solving the minimization problem: .. math:: \text{Minimize} \sum_{i=1}^{k}n_ilog(q_j^TS_iq_j) .. math:: \text{Subject to } q_j^Tq_j = 1 where :math:`n_i` represent the degrees of freedom and :math:`S_i` represent sample covariance matrices. This class does not support ``MVMDS.transform()`` due to the iterative nature of the algorithm and the fact that the transformation is done during iterative fitting. Use ``MVMDS.fit_transform()`` to do both fitting and transforming at once. Examples -------- >>> from mvlearn.embed import MVMDS >>> from mvlearn.datasets import load_UCImultifeature >>> Xs, _ = load_UCImultifeature() >>> print(len(Xs)) # number of samples in each view 6 >>> print(Xs[0].shape) # number of samples in each view (2000, 76) >>> mvmds = MVMDS(n_components=5) >>> Xs_reduced = mvmds.fit_transform(Xs) >>> print(Xs_reduced.shape) (2000, 5) References ---------- .. [#1MVMDS] Trendafilov, Nickolay T. “Stepwise Estimation of Common Principal Components.” Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 54(12):3446–3457, 2010 .. [#2MVMDS] Kanaan-Izquierdo, Samir, et al. "Multiview: a software package for multiview pattern recognition methods." Bioinformatics, 35(16):2877–2879, 2019 """ def __init__(self, n_components=2, num_iter=15, dissimilarity='euclidean'): super().__init__() self.components_ = None self.n_components = n_components self.num_iter = num_iter self.dissimilarity = dissimilarity if (self.num_iter) <= 0: raise ValueError('The number of iterations must be greater than 0') if (self.n_components) <= 0: raise ValueError('The number of components must be greater than 0 ' + 'and less than the number of features') if self.dissimilarity not in ['euclidean', 'precomputed']: raise ValueError('The parameter `dissimilarity` must be one of \ {`euclidean`, `precomputed`}') def _commonpcs(self, Xs): """ Finds Stepwise Estimation of Common Principal Components as described by common Trendafilov implementations based on the following paper: Parameters ---------- Xs: List of array-likes or numpy.ndarray - Xs length: n_views - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) Returns ------- components: numpy.ndarray, shape(n_samples, n_components) Joint transformed MVMDS components of the input views. """ n = p = Xs.shape[1] views = len(Xs) n_num = np.array([n] * views)/np.sum(np.array([n] * views)) components = np.zeros((p, self.n_components)) # Initialized by paper pi = np.eye(p) s = np.zeros((p, p)) for i in np.arange(views): s = s + (n_num[i] * Xs[i]) _, e2 = np.linalg.eigh(s) # Orders the eigenvalues q0 = e2[:, ::-1] for i in np.arange(self.n_components): # Each q is a particular eigenvalue q = q0[:, i] q = np.array(q).reshape(len(q), 1) d = np.zeros((1, views)) for j in np.arange(views): # Represents mu from the paper. d[:, j] =, Xs[j]), q) # stepwise iterations for j in np.arange(self.num_iter): s2 = np.zeros((p, p)) for yy in np.arange(views): d2 = n_num[yy] * np.sum(np.array([n] * views)) # Dividing by .0001 is to prevent divide by 0 error if d[:, yy] == 0: s2 = s2 + (d2 * Xs[yy] / .0001) else: # Refers to d value from previous iteration s2 = s2 + (d2 * Xs[yy] / d[:, yy]) # eigenvectors dotted with S matrix and pi w =, q) w =, w) q = w / np.sqrt(, w)) for yy in np.arange(views): d[:, yy] =, Xs[yy]), q) # creates next component components[:, i] = q[:, 0] # initializes pi for next iteration pi = pi -, q.T) return(components) def fit(self, Xs, y=None): """ Calculates dimensionally reduced components by inputting the Euclidean distances of each view, double centering them, and using the _commonpcs function to find common components between views. Works similarly to traditional, single-view Multidimensional Scaling. Parameters ---------- Xs: list of array-likes or numpy.ndarray - Xs length: n_views - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) y : ignored Included for API compliance. """ if (self.n_components) > len(Xs[0]): self.n_components = len(Xs[0]) warnings.warn('The number of components you have requested is ' + 'greater than the number of samples in the ' + 'dataset. ' + str(self.n_components) + ' components were computed instead.') Xs = check_Xs(Xs, multiview=True) mat = np.ones(shape=(len(Xs), len(Xs[0]), len(Xs[0]))) # Double centering each view as in single-view MDS if (self.dissimilarity == 'euclidean'): for i in np.arange(len(Xs)): view = euclidean_distances(Xs[i]) view_squared = np.power(np.array(view), 2) J = np.eye(len(view)) - (1/len(view))*np.ones(view.shape) B = -(1/2) * J @ view_squared @ J mat[i] = B # If user wants to input special distance matrix elif (self.dissimilarity == 'precomputed'): for i in np.arange(len(Xs)): if (Xs[i].shape[0] != Xs[i].shape[1]): raise ValueError('The input distance matrix must be ' + 'a square matrix') else: view = Xs[i] view_squared = np.power(np.array(view), 2) J = np.eye(len(view)) - (1/len(view))*np.ones(view.shape) B = -(1/2) * J @ view_squared @ J mat[i] = B else: raise ValueError('The parameter `dissimilarity` must be one of \ {`euclidean`, `precomputed`}') self.components_ = self._commonpcs(mat) return self def fit_transform(self, Xs, y=None): """" Embeds data matrix(s) using fitted projection matrices Parameters ---------- Xs: list of array-likes or numpy.ndarray - Xs length: n_views - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) The data to embed based on the fit function. y : ignored Included for API compliance. Returns ------- X_transformed: numpy.ndarray, shape(n_samples, n_components) Joint transformed MVMDS components of the input views. """ Xs = check_Xs(Xs) return self.components_