Source code for mvlearn.embed.kmcca

"""Kernel Multiview Canonical Correlation Analysis"""

# Authors: Iain Carmichael, Ronan Perry
# License: MIT

import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations
from warnings import warn
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_kernels
from ..utils import check_Xs, param_as_list
from ..compose import SimpleSplitter
from ..utils import eigh_wrapper
from .base import BaseCCA, _check_regs, _initial_svds, _deterministic_decomp
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from sklearn.utils import check_array

[docs]class KMCCA(BaseCCA): r""" Kernel multi-view canonical correlation analysis. Parameters ----------- n_components : int, None (default 1) Number of components to compute. If None, will use the number of features. kernel : str, callable, or list (default 'linear') The kernel function to use. This is the metric argument to ``sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_kernels``. A list will specify for each view separately. kernel_params : dict, or list (default {}) Key word arguments to ``sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_kernels``. A list will specify for each view separately. regs : float, None, or list, optional (default None) None equates to 0. Floats are nonnegative. The value is used to regularize singular values in each view based on `diag_mode` A list will specify the method for each view separately. signal_ranks : int, None, or list, optional (default None) Largest SVD rank to compute for each view. If None, the full rank decomposition will be used. A list will specify for each view separately. sval_thresh : float, or list (default 1e-3) For each view we throw out singular values of (1/n)K, the gram matrix scaled by n_samples, below this threshold. A non-zero value deals with singular gram matrices. diag_mode : 'A' | 'B' | 'C' (default 'A') Method of regularizing singular values `s` with regularization parameter `r` - 'A' : :math:`(1 - r) * K^2 + r * K` [#1kmcca]_ - 'B' : :math:`(1-r) (K + n/2 \kappa * I)^2` where :math:`\kappa = r / (1 - r)` [#2kmcca]_ - 'C' : :math:`(1 - r) K^2 + r * I_n` [#3kmcca]_ center : bool, or list (default True) Whether or not to initially mean center the data. A list will specify for each view separately. filter_params : bool (default False) See ``sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_kernels`` documentation. n_jobs : int, None, optional (default None) Number of jobs to run in parallel when computing kernel matrices. See ``sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_kernels`` documentation. multiview_output : bool, optional (default True) If True, the ``.transform`` method returns one dataset per view. Otherwise, it returns one dataset, of shape (n_samples, n_components) pgso : bool, optional (default False) If True, computes a partial Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization approximation of the kernel matrices to the given tolerance. tol : float (default 0.1) The minimum matrix trace difference between a kernel matrix and its computed pgso approximation, relative to the kernel trace. Attributes ---------- kernel_col_means_ : list of numpy.ndarray, shape (n_samples,) The column means of each gram matrix kernel_mat_means_ : list The total means of each gram matrix dual_vars_ : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_views, n_samples, n_components) The loadings for the gram matrix of each view common_score_norms_ : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_components,) Column norms of the sum of the view scores. Useful for projecting new data evals_ : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_components,) The generalized eigenvalue problem eigenvalues. Xs_ : list of numpy.ndarray, length (n_views,) - Xs[i] shape (n_samples, n_features_i) The original data matrices for use in kernel matrix computation during calls to ``.transform``. n_views_ : int The number of views n_features_ : list The number of features in each fitted view n_components_ : int The number of components in each transformed view pgso_Ls_ : list of numpy.ndarray, length (n_views,) - pgso_Ls_[i] shape (n_samples, rank_i) The Gram-Schmidt approximations of the kernel matrices pgso_norms_ : list of numpy.ndarray, length (n_views,) - pgso_norms_[i] shape (rank_i,) The maximum norms found during the Gram-Schmidt procedure, descending pgso_idxs_ : list of numpy.ndarray, length (n_views,) - pgso_idxs_[i] shape (rank_i,) The sample indices of the maximum norms pgso_Xs_ : list of numpy.ndarray, length (n_views,) - pgso_Xs_[i] shape (rank_i, n_features) The samples with indices saved in pgso_idxs_, sorted by pgso_norms_ pgso_ranks_ : list, length (n_views,) The ranks of the partial Gram-Schmidt results for each view. Notes ----- Traditional CCA aims to find useful projections of features in each view of data, computing a weighted sum, but may not extract useful descriptors of the data because of its linearity. KMCCA offers an alternative solution by first projecting the data onto a higher dimensional feature space. .. math:: \phi: \mathbf{x} = (x_1,...,x_m) \mapsto \phi(\mathbf{x}) = (z_1,...,z_N), (m << N) before performing CCA in the new feature space. Kernels are effectively distance functions that compute inner products in the higher dimensional feature space, a method known as the kernel trick. A kernel function K, such that for all :math:`\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z} \in X` .. math:: K(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}) = \langle\phi(\mathbf{x}) \cdot \phi(\mathbf{z})\rangle. The kernel matrix :math:`K_i` has entries computed from the kernel function. Using the kernel trick, loadings of the kernel matrix (dual_vars_) are solved for rather than of the features from :math:`\phi`. Kernel matrices grow exponentially with the size of data. They not only have to store :math:`n^2` elements, but also face the complexity of matrix eigenvalue problems. In a Cholesky decomposition a positive definite matrix K is decomposed to a lower triangular matrix :math:`L` : :math:`K = LL'`. The dual partial Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization (PSGO) is equivalent to the Incomplete Cholesky Decomposition (ICD) which looks for a low rank approximation of :math:`L`, reducing the cost of operations of the matrix such that :math:`\frac{1}{\sum_i K_{ii}} tr(K - LL^T) \leq tol`. A PSGO tolerance yielding rank :math:`m` leads to storage requirements of :math:`O(mn)` instead of :math:`O(n^2)` and becomes :math:`O(nm^2)` instead of :math:`O(n^3)` [#3kmcca]_. See also -------- MCCA References ---------- .. [#1kmcca] Hardoon D., et al. "Canonical Correlation Analysis: An Overview with Application to Learning Methods", Neural Computation, Volume 16 (12), pp 2639-2664, 2004. .. [#2kmcca] Bach, F. and Jordan, M. "Kernel Independent Component Analysis." Journal of Machine Learning Research, 3:1-48, 2002. .. [#3kmcca] Kuss, M. and Graepel, T.. "The Geometry of Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis." MPI Technical Report, 108. (2003). Examples -------- >>> from mvlearn.embed import KMCCA >>> X1 = [[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2], [3, 5, 4]] >>> X2 = [[0.1, -0.2], [0.9, 1.1], [6.2, 5.9], [11.9, 12.3]] >>> X3 = [[0, 1, 0], [1, 9, 0], [4, 3, 3,], [12, 8, 10]] >>> kmcca = KMCCA() >>>[X1, X2, X3]) KMCCA() >>> Xs_scores = kmcca.transform([X1, X2, X3]) """ def __init__( self, n_components=1, kernel="linear", kernel_params={}, regs=None, signal_ranks=None, sval_thresh=1e-3, diag_mode="A", center=True, filter_params=False, n_jobs=None, multiview_output=True, pgso=False, tol=0.1 ): self.n_components = n_components = center self.regs = regs self.kernel = kernel self.kernel_params = kernel_params self.signal_ranks = signal_ranks self.sval_thresh = sval_thresh self.diag_mode = diag_mode self.filter_params = filter_params self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.multiview_output = multiview_output self.pgso = pgso self.tol = tol def _fit(self, Xs): """Helper method for `.fit` function""" Xs, self.n_views_, _, self.n_features_ = check_Xs( Xs, multiview=True, return_dimensions=True) centers = param_as_list(, self.n_views_) # set up (centered) kernels self.kernel_col_means_ = [None] * self.n_views_ self.kernel_mat_means_ = [None] * self.n_views_ Ks = [] if self.pgso: self.pgso_Ls_ = [] self.pgso_norms_ = [] self.pgso_idxs_ = [] self.pgso_Xs_ = [] self.pgso_ranks_ = [] else: self.Xs_ = Xs # stored for `transform` step for view in range(self.n_views_): K = self._get_kernel(Xs[view], view=view) if self.pgso: L, maxs, idxs = _pgso_decomp(K, self.tol) self.pgso_Ls_.append(L) self.pgso_norms_.append(maxs) self.pgso_idxs_.append(idxs) self.pgso_Xs_.append(Xs[view][idxs]) self.pgso_ranks_.append(len(maxs)) K = L @ L.T del L if centers[view]: K, col_mean, mat_mean = _center_kernel(K) self.kernel_col_means_[view] = col_mean self.kernel_mat_means_[view] = mat_mean Ks.append(K) self.dual_vars_, scores, common_scores_normed, \ self.common_score_norms_, self.evals_ = _kmcca_gevp( Ks, signal_ranks=param_as_list(self.signal_ranks, self.n_views_), sval_thresh=self.sval_thresh, n_components=self.n_components, regs=self.regs, diag_mode=self.diag_mode, ) return scores, common_scores_normed def transform_view(self, X, view): """ Transform a view, projecting it using fitted loadings. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features) The view to transform view : int The numeric index of the single view X with respect to the fitted views. Returns ------- X_scores : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_components) Transformed view """ check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) if self.pgso: K = self._get_kernel(X, view=view, Y=self.pgso_Xs_[view]) L = _pgso_construct(K, self.pgso_Ls_[view], self.pgso_idxs_[view], self.pgso_norms_[view]) K = L @ self.pgso_Ls_[view].T else: K = self._get_kernel(X, view=view, Y=self.Xs_[view]) if self.kernel_col_means_[view] is not None: row_means = np.sum(K, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] / K.shape[0] K -= self.kernel_col_means_[view] K -= row_means K += self.kernel_mat_means_[view] return, self.dual_vars_[view]) def _get_kernel(self, X, view, Y=None): """ Returns a gram (kernel) matrix between a set of observations and itself or a second set of observations. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray, shape (n, d) The data matrix view : int The view index, for the kernel parameter selection Y : numpy.ndarray, shape (m, d), optional (default None) Second data matrix Returns ------- K : numpy.ndarray, shape (n, n) or (n, m) if Y provided The kernel matrix with entries from the kernel function """ if isinstance(self.kernel, list): kernel = self.kernel[view] else: kernel = self.kernel if isinstance(self.kernel_params, list): kernel_params = self.kernel_params[view] else: kernel_params = self.kernel_params return pairwise_kernels( X, Y, metric=kernel, filter_params=self.filter_params, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, **kernel_params) @property def n_components_(self): if hasattr(self, "dual_vars_"): return self.dual_vars_[0].shape[1] else: raise AttributeError("Model has not been fitted properly yet")
def _pgso_decomp(K, tol=0.1): r""" Performs the partial Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure Parameters ---------- K : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_samples) The kernel matrix to approximate tol : float, optional (default 0.1) The tolerance of the kernel matrix approximation Returns ------- L : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_samples, r) The lower triangular approximation matrix maxs : numpy.ndarray, shape (r,) The maximum diagonal element of K during Gram-Schmidt iterations indices : numpy.ndarray, shape (r,) The sample indices of each of the values in `maxs`. Notes ----- The procedure iteratively constructs a lower triangular matrix L and stops when the approximation L gives is below the tolerance, i.e. ..math:: \frac{1}{\sum_i K_{ii}} tr(K - LL^T) \leq tol """ K = check_array(K) N = K.shape[0] norm2 = K.diagonal().copy() norm2_sum = sum(norm2) L = np.zeros(K.shape) max_sizes = [] max_indices = [] M = 0 for j in range(N): max_idx = np.argmax(norm2) max_indices.append(max_idx) max_sizes.append(np.sqrt(norm2[max_idx])) L[:, j] = ( K[:, max_idx] - L[:, :j] @ L[max_idx, :j].T ) / max_sizes[-1] norm2 -= L[:, j]**2 M = j+1 if sum(norm2) / norm2_sum < tol: break return L[:, :M], np.asarray(max_sizes), np.asarray(max_indices) def _pgso_construct(K, L, indices, maxs): """ Constructs features for samples from a partial Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization on different samples Parameters ---------- K : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_new_samples, n_new_samples) The kernel matrix of new samples to approximate L : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_samples, r) Lower triangular Gram-Schmidt decomposition of a kernel matrix indices : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_features,) The sample indices of the maximums maxs : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_features,) The maximum diagonal elements during construction of L Returns ------- L_oos : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_samples, r) The lower triangular approximation matrix """ L_oos = np.zeros((K.shape[0], L.shape[1])) for j in range(L.shape[1]): L_oos[:, j] = ( K[:, j] - L_oos[:, :j] @ L[indices[j], :j].T) / maxs[j] return L_oos def _kmcca_gevp( Ks, signal_ranks=None, n_components=None, regs=None, sval_thresh=1e-3, diag_mode="A", ): """ Computes kernel MCCA using the eigenvector formulation where we compute matrix square roots via SVDs. By throwing out zero singular values of the kernel views we can avoid singularity issues. Parameters ---------- Ks : list of numpy.ndarray, length (n_views,) - Ks[i] shape (n_samples, n_samples) List of kernel matrices n_components : int, None Number of components to compute. If None, will use the number of features. regs : float, None, or list None equates to 0. Floats are nonnegative. The value is used to regularize singular values in each view based on `diag_mode` A list will specify the method for each view separately. signal_ranks : int, None, or list Largest SVD rank to compute for each view. If None, the full rank decomposition will be used. A list will specify for each view separately. sval_thresh : float, (default 1e-3) For each view we throw out singular values of (1/n)K, the gram matrix scaled by n_samples, below this threshold. A non-zero value deals with singular gram matrices. diag_mode : 'A' | 'B' | 'C' (default 'A') Method of regularizing singular values `s` with regularization parameter `r` - 'A' : (1 - r) * K^2 + r * K [#1kmcca]_ - 'B' : (1-r) (K + n/2 kappa * I)^2 where kappa = r / (1 - r) [#2kmcca]_ - 'C' : (1 - r) K^2 + r * I [#3kmcca]_ Returns ------- dual_vars : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_views, n_samples, n_components) The loadings for each view used to project new data, each of shape (n_features_b, n_components). scores : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_views, n_samples, n_components) Projections of each data view. common_scores_normed : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_components) Normalized sum of the view scores. common_norms : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_components,) Column norms of the sum of the view scores. Useful for projecting new data gevals : numpy.ndarray, shape (n_components,) The generalized eigenvalue problem eigenvalues. """ if sval_thresh is not None: # put sval_thresh on the scale of svals K. sval_thresh *= Ks[0].shape[0] Us, svds = _initial_svds(Ks, signal_ranks=signal_ranks, normalized_scores=True, sval_thresh=sval_thresh) svals = [svd[1] for svd in svds] Us, n_views, n_samples, n_features_reduced = check_Xs( Us, return_dimensions=True) regs = _check_regs(regs=regs, n_views=n_views) if n_components is None: n_components = sum(n_features_reduced) if n_components > sum(n_features_reduced): warn("Requested too many components!") n_components = min(n_components, sum(n_features_reduced)) # get singular values of transformed view gram matrices reg_svals = _regularize_svals( svals=svals, regs=regs, diag_mode=diag_mode, n_samples=n_samples ) # constructe matrix for eigen decomposition C = [[None for _ in range(n_views)] for _ in range(n_views)] for b in range(n_views): C[b][b] = np.eye(n_features_reduced[b]) for (a, b) in combinations(range(n_views), 2): U_a = Us[a] s_a = svals[a] t_a = reg_svals[a] q_a = s_a * (1 / np.sqrt(t_a)) U_b = Us[b] s_b = svals[b] t_b = reg_svals[b] q_b = s_b * (1 / np.sqrt(t_b)) C[a][b] = (U_a * q_a).T @ (U_b * q_b) C[b][a] = C[a][b].T C = np.block(C) gevals, gevecs = eigh_wrapper(A=C, rank=n_components) gevecs = [gevec.T for gevec in SimpleSplitter( n_features_reduced).fit_transform(gevecs.T)] dual_vars = [(Us[b] / np.sqrt(reg_svals[b])) @ gevecs[b] for b in range(n_views)] scores = [Ks[b] @ dual_vars[b] for b in range(n_views)] common_scores = sum(scores) common_norms = np.linalg.norm(common_scores, axis=0) common_scores_normed = common_scores / common_norms # enforce deterministic output due to possible sign flips common_scores_normed, scores, dual_vars = _deterministic_decomp( common_scores_normed, scores, dual_vars) return np.asarray(dual_vars), np.asarray(scores), common_scores_normed, \ common_norms, gevals def _regularize_svals(svals, regs=None, diag_mode="A", n_samples=None): """ Regularizes singular values for various mode options. Parameters ---------- svals : list of numpy.ndarray Singular values of each kernel matrix. regs : None, float, or list Regularization parameter for each view. diag_mode : 'A' | 'B' | 'C' Method of regularizing singular values `s` with regularization parameter `r` n_samples : None, int Number of samples. Needed for mode B. Returns ------- reg_svals : list of array-like Regularized singular values for each view and given diag_mode. """ n_views = len(svals) reg_svals = [None for b in range(n_views)] for b in range(n_views): s = np.array(svals[b]) if regs is None: r = None else: r = regs[b] if r is None or r == 0: t = s ** 2 elif diag_mode == "A": t = (1 - r) * s ** 2 + r * s elif diag_mode == "B": assert n_samples is not None if np.isclose(r, 1): t = s else: kappa = r / (1 - r) t = (1 - r) * (s + 0.5 * n_samples * kappa) ** 2 elif diag_mode == "C": t = (1 - r) * s ** 2 + r reg_svals[b] = t return reg_svals def _center_kernel(K): """ Centers a kernel matrix data. Parameters ---------- K : np.ndarray, shape (n,n) A kernel matrix Returns ------- K_c : numpy.ndarray, shape (n,n) The centered kernel matrix col_mean : numpy.ndarray, shape (n,) Mean of each kernel matrix column mat_mean : float Mean of entire kernel matrix """ col_mean = np.mean(K, axis=0) mat_mean = np.mean(col_mean) K_c = K - col_mean - col_mean[:, np.newaxis] + mat_mean return K_c, col_mean, mat_mean