Source code for mvlearn.embed.dcca

# Original work Copyright (c) 2016 Vahid Noroozi
# Modified work Copyright 2019 Zhanghao Wu

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
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import warnings
import numpy as np

from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError

    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    from import BatchSampler, SequentialSampler, RandomSampler
except ModuleNotFoundError as error:
    msg = (f"Error: {error}. torch dependencies required for this function. " +
           "Please consult the mvlearn installation instructions at " +
           " to correctly install " +
           "torch dependency.")
    raise ModuleNotFoundError(msg)

from .base import BaseEmbed
from ..utils.utils import check_Xs

[docs]class linear_cca(): """ Implementation of linear CCA to act on the output of the deep networks in DCCA. Consider two views :math:`X_1` and :math:`X_2`. Canonical Correlation Analysis seeks to find vectors :math:`a_1` and :math:`a_2` to maximize the correlation between :math:`X_1 a_1` and :math:`X_2 a_2`. Attributes ---------- w_ : list (length=2) w[i] : nd-array List of the two weight matrices for projecting each view. m_ : list (length=2) m[i] : nd-array List of the means of the data in each view. """ def __init__(self): self.w_ = [None, None] self.m_ = [None, None] def fit(self, H1, H2, n_components): """ Fit the linear CCA model to the outputs of the deep network transformations on the two views of data. Parameters ---------- H1: nd-array, shape (n_samples, n_features) View 1 data after deep network. H2: nd-array, shape (n_samples, n_features) View 2 data after deep network. n_components : int (positive) The output dimensionality of the CCA transformation. """ r1 = 1e-4 r2 = 1e-4 m = H1.shape[0] o1 = H1.shape[1] o2 = H2.shape[1] self.m_[0] = np.mean(H1, axis=0) self.m_[1] = np.mean(H2, axis=0) H1bar = H1 - np.tile(self.m_[0], (m, 1)) H2bar = H2 - np.tile(self.m_[1], (m, 1)) # Compute covariance matrices SigmaHat12 = (1.0 / (m - 1)) *, H2bar) SigmaHat11 = (1.0 / (m - 1)) *, H1bar) + r1 * np.identity(o1) SigmaHat22 = (1.0 / (m - 1)) *, H2bar) + r2 * np.identity(o2) [D1, V1] = np.linalg.eigh(SigmaHat11) [D2, V2] = np.linalg.eigh(SigmaHat22) SigmaHat11RootInv =, np.diag(D1 ** -0.5)), V1.T) SigmaHat22RootInv =, np.diag(D2 ** -0.5)), V2.T) Tval =, SigmaHat12), SigmaHat22RootInv) [U, D, V] = np.linalg.svd(Tval) V = V.T self.w_[0] =, U[:, 0:n_components]) self.w_[1] =, V[:, 0:n_components]) D = D[0:n_components] def _get_result(self, x, idx): """ Transform a single view of data based on already fit matrix. Parameters ---------- x : nd-array, shape (n_samples, n_features) View idx data. idx : int 0 if view 1. 1 if view 2. Returns ------- result : nd-array Result of linear transformation on input data. """ result = x - self.m_[idx].reshape([1, -1]).repeat(len(x), axis=0) result =, self.w_[idx]) return result def transform(self, H1, H2): """ Transform inputs based on already fit matrices. Parameters ---------- H1 : nd-array, shape (n_samples, n_features) View 1 data. H2 : nd-array, shape (n_samples, n_features) View 2 data. Returns ------- results : list, length=2 Results of linear transformation on input data. """ return [self._get_result(H1, 0), self._get_result(H2, 1)]
[docs]class cca_loss(): """ An implementation of the loss function of linear CCA as introduced in the original paper for ``DCCA`` [#1DCCA]_. Details of how this loss is computed can be found in the paper or in the documentation for ``DCCA``. Parameters ---------- n_components : int (positive) The output dimensionality of the CCA transformation. use_all_singular_values : boolean Whether or not to use all the singular values in the loss calculation. If False, only use the top n_components singular values. device : torch.device object The torch device being used in DCCA. Attributes ---------- n_components_ : int (positive) The output dimensionality of the CCA transformation. use_all_singular_values_ : boolean Whether or not to use all the singular values in the loss calculation. If False, only use the top ``n_components`` singular values. device_ : torch.device object The torch device being used in DCCA. """ def __init__(self, n_components, use_all_singular_values, device): self.n_components_ = n_components self.use_all_singular_values_ = use_all_singular_values self.device_ = device def loss(self, H1, H2): """ Compute the loss (negative correlation) between 2 views. Details can be found in [#1DCCA]_ or the documentation for ``DCCA``. Parameters ---------- H1: torch.tensor, shape (n_samples, n_features) View 1 data. H2: torch.tensor, shape (n_samples, n_features) View 2 data. """ r1 = 1e-3 r2 = 1e-3 eps = 1e-9 # Transpose matrices so each column is a sample H1, H2 = H1.t(), H2.t() o1 = o2 = H1.size(0) m = H1.size(1) H1bar = H1 - H1.mean(dim=1).unsqueeze(dim=1) H2bar = H2 - H2.mean(dim=1).unsqueeze(dim=1) # Compute covariance matrices and add diagonal so they are # positive definite SigmaHat12 = (1.0 / (m - 1)) * torch.matmul(H1bar, H2bar.t()) SigmaHat11 = (1.0 / (m - 1)) * torch.matmul(H1bar, H1bar.t()) + \ r1 * torch.eye(o1, device=self.device_) SigmaHat22 = (1.0 / (m - 1)) * torch.matmul(H2bar, H2bar.t()) + \ r2 * torch.eye(o2, device=self.device_) # Calculate the root inverse of covariance matrices by using # eigen decomposition [D1, V1] = torch.symeig(SigmaHat11, eigenvectors=True) [D2, V2] = torch.symeig(SigmaHat22, eigenvectors=True) # Additional code to increase numerical stability posInd1 =, eps).nonzero()[:, 0] D1 = D1[posInd1] V1 = V1[:, posInd1] posInd2 =, eps).nonzero()[:, 0] D2 = D2[posInd2] V2 = V2[:, posInd2] # Compute sigma hat matrices using the edited covariance matrices SigmaHat11RootInv = torch.matmul( torch.matmul(V1, torch.diag(D1 ** -0.5)), V1.t()) SigmaHat22RootInv = torch.matmul( torch.matmul(V2, torch.diag(D2 ** -0.5)), V2.t()) # Compute the T matrix, whose matrix trace norm is the loss Tval = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(SigmaHat11RootInv, SigmaHat12), SigmaHat22RootInv) if self.use_all_singular_values_: # all singular values are used to calculate the correlation (and # thus the loss as well) tmp = torch.trace(torch.matmul(Tval.t(), Tval)) corr = torch.sqrt(tmp) else: # just the top self.n_components_ singular values are used to # compute the loss U, V = torch.symeig(torch.matmul( Tval.t(), Tval), eigenvectors=True) U = U.topk(self.n_components_)[0] corr = torch.sum(torch.sqrt(U)) return -corr
[docs]class MlpNet(nn.Module): """ Multilayer perceptron implementation for fully connected network. Used by ``DCCA`` for the fully transformation of a single view before linear CCA. Extends `torch.nn.Module <>`_. Parameters ---------- layer_sizes : list of ints The sizes of the layers of the deep network applied to view 1 before CCA. For example, if the input dimensionality is 256, and there is one hidden layer with 1024 units and the output dimensionality is 100 before applying CCA, layer_sizes1=[1024, 100]. input_size : int (positive) The dimensionality of the input vectors to the deep network. Attributes ---------- layers_ : torch.nn.ModuleList object The layers in the network. """ def __init__(self, layer_sizes, input_size): super(MlpNet, self).__init__() layers = [] layer_sizes = [input_size] + layer_sizes for l_id in range(len(layer_sizes) - 1): if l_id == len(layer_sizes) - 2: layers.append( nn.Linear(layer_sizes[l_id], layer_sizes[l_id + 1]), ) else: layers.append(nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(layer_sizes[l_id], layer_sizes[l_id + 1]), nn.Sigmoid(), )) self.layers_ = nn.ModuleList(layers) def forward(self, x): """ Feed input forward through layers. Parameters ---------- x : torch.tensor Input tensor to transform by the network. Returns ------- x : torch.tensor The output after being fed forward through network. """ for layer in self.layers_: x = layer(x) return x
[docs]class DeepPairedNetworks(nn.Module): """ A pair of deep networks for operating on the two views of data. Consists of two ``MlpNet`` objects for transforming 2 views of data in ``DCCA``. Extends `torch.nn.Module <>`_. Parameters ---------- layer_sizes1 : list of ints The sizes of the layers of the deep network applied to view 1 before CCA. For example, if the input dimensionality is 256, and there is one hidden layer with 1024 units and the output dimensionality is 100 before applying CCA, layer_sizes1=[1024, 100]. layer_sizes2 : list of ints The sizes of the layers of the deep network applied to view 2 before CCA. Does not need to have the same hidden layer architecture as layer_sizes1, but the final dimensionality must be the same. input_size1 : int (positive) The dimensionality of the input vectors in view 1. input_size2 : int (positive) The dimensionality of the input vectors in view 2. n_components : int (positive), default=2 The output dimensionality of the correlated projections. The deep network will transform the data to this size. If not specified, will be set to 2. use_all_singular_values : boolean (default=False) Whether or not to use all the singular values in the CCA computation to calculate the loss. If False, only the top ``n_components`` singular values are used. device : string, default='cpu' The torch device for processing. Attributes ---------- model1_ : ``MlpNet`` object Deep network for view 1 transformation. model2_ : ``MlpNet`` object Deep network for view 2 transformation. loss_ : ``cca_loss`` object Loss function for the 2 view DCCA. """ def __init__(self, layer_sizes1, layer_sizes2, input_size1, input_size2, n_components, use_all_singular_values, device=torch.device('cpu')): super(DeepPairedNetworks, self).__init__() self.model1_ = MlpNet(layer_sizes1, input_size1).double() self.model2_ = MlpNet(layer_sizes2, input_size2).double() self.loss_ = cca_loss(n_components, use_all_singular_values, device).loss def forward(self, x1, x2): """ Feed two views of data forward through the respective network. Parameters ---------- x1 : torch.tensor, shape=(batch_size, n_features) View 1 data to transform. x2 : torch.tensor, shape=(batch_size, n_features) View 2 data to transform. Returns ------- outputs : list, length=2 - outputs[i] : torch.tensor List of the outputs from each view transformation. """ # feature * batch_size output1 = self.model1_(x1) output2 = self.model2_(x2) return output1, output2
[docs]class DCCA(BaseEmbed): r""" An implementation of Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis [#1DCCA]_ with PyTorch. It computes projections into a common subspace in order to maximize the correlation between pairwise projections into the subspace from two views of data. To obtain these projections, two fully connected deep networks are trained to initially transform the two views of data. Then, the transformed data is projected using linear CCA. This can be thought of as training a kernel for each view that initially acts on the data before projection. The networks are trained to maximize the ability of the linear CCA to maximize the correlation between the final dimensions. Parameters ---------- input_size1 : int (positive) The dimensionality of the input vectors in view 1. input_size2 : int (positive) The dimensionality of the input vectors in view 2. n_components : int (positive), default=2 The output dimensionality of the correlated projections. The deep network wil transform the data to this size. Must satisfy: ``n_components`` <= max(layer_sizes1[-1], layer_sizes2[-1]). layer_sizes1 : list of ints, default=None The sizes of the layers of the deep network applied to view 1 before CCA. For example, if the input dimensionality is 256, and there is one hidden layer with 1024 units and the output dimensionality is 100 before applying CCA, layer_sizes1=[1024, 100]. If ``None``, set to [1000, ``self.n_components_``]. layer_sizes2 : list of ints, default=None The sizes of the layers of the deep network applied to view 2 before CCA. Does not need to have the same hidden layer architecture as layer_sizes1, but the final dimensionality must be the same. If ``None``, set to [1000, ``self.n_components_``]. use_all_singular_values : boolean (default=False) Whether or not to use all the singular values in the CCA computation to calculate the loss. If False, only the top ``n_components`` singular values are used. device : string, default='cpu' The torch device for processing. Can be used with a GPU if available. epoch_num : int (positive), default=200 The max number of epochs to train the deep networks. batch_size : int (positive), default=800 Batch size for training the deep networks. learning_rate : float (positive), default=1e-3 Learning rate for training the deep networks. reg_par : float (positive), default=1e-5 Weight decay parameter used in the RMSprop optimizer. tolerance : float, (positive), default=1e-2 Threshold difference between successive iteration losses to define convergence and stop training. print_train_log_info : boolean, default=False If ``True``, the training loss at each epoch will be printed to the console when is called. Attributes ---------- input_size1_ : int (positive) The dimensionality of the input vectors in view 1. input_size2_ : int (positive) The dimensionality of the input vectors in view 2. n_components_ : int (positive) The output dimensionality of the correlated projections. The deep network wil transform the data to this size. If not specified, will be set to 2. layer_sizes1_ : list of ints The sizes of the layers of the deep network applied to view 1 before CCA. For example, if the input dimensionality is 256, and there is one hidden layer with 1024 units and the output dimensionality is 100 before applying CCA, layer_sizes1=[1024, 100]. layer_sizes2_ : list of ints The sizes of the layers of the deep network applied to view 2 before CCA. Does not need to have the same hidden layer architecture as layer_sizes1, but the final dimensionality must be the same. device_ : string The torch device for processing. batch_size_ : int (positive) Batch size for training the deep networks. learning_rate_ : float (positive) Learning rate for training the deep networks. reg_par_ : float (positive) Weight decay parameter used in the RMSprop optimizer. deep_model_ : ``DeepPairedNetworks`` object 2 view Deep CCA object used to transform 2 views of data together. linear_cca_ : ``linear_cca`` object Linear CCA object used to project final transformations from output of ``deep_model`` to the ``n_components``. model_ : torch.nn.DataParallel object Wrapper around ``deep_model`` to allow parallelisation. loss_ : ``cca_loss`` object Loss function for ``deep_model``. Defined as the negative correlation between outputs of transformed views. optimizer_ : torch.optim.RMSprop object Optimizer used to train the networks. Raises ------ ModuleNotFoundError In order to run DCCA, pytorch and other certain optional dependencies must be installed. See the installation page for details. Notes ----- Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis is a method of finding highly correlated subspaces for 2 views of data using nonlinear transformations learned by deep networks. It can be thought of as using deep networks to learn the best potentially nonlinear kernels for a variant of kernel CCA. The networks used for each view in DCCA consist of fully connected linear layers with a sigmoid activation function. The problem DCCA problem is formulated from [#1DCCA]_. Consider two views :math:`X_1` and :math:`X_2`. DCCA seeks to find the parameters for each view, :math:`\Theta_1` and :math:`\Theta_2`, such that they maximize .. math:: \text{corr}\left(f_1\left(X_1;\Theta_1\right), f_2\left(X_2;\Theta_2\right)\right) These parameters are estimated in the deep network by following gradient descent on the input data. Taking :math:`H_1, H_2 \in R^{o \times m}` to be the outputs of the deep network in each column for the input data of size :math:`m`. Take the centered matrix :math:`\bar{H}_1 = H_1-\frac{1}{m}H_1{1}`, and :math:`\bar{H}_2 = H_2-\frac{1}{m}H_2{1}`. Then, define .. math:: \begin{align*} \hat{\Sigma}_{12} &= \frac{1}{m-1}\bar{H}_1\bar{H}_2^T \\ \hat{\Sigma}_{11} &= \frac{1}{m-1}\bar{H}_1\bar{H}_1^T + r_1I \\ \hat{\Sigma}_{22} &= \frac{1}{m-1}\bar{H}_2\bar{H}_2^T + r_2I \end{align*} Where :math:`r_1` and :math:`r_2` are regularization constants :math:`>0` so the matrices are guaranteed to be positive definite. The correlation objective function is the sum of the top :math:`k` singular values of the matrix :math:`T`, where .. math:: T = \hat{\Sigma}_{11}^{-1/2}\hat{\Sigma}_{12}\hat{\Sigma}_{22}^{-1/2} Which is the matrix norm of T. Thus, the loss is .. math:: L(X_1, X2) = -\text{corr}\left(H_1, H_2\right) = -\text{tr}(T^TT)^{1/2}. Examples -------- >>> from mvlearn.embed import DCCA >>> import numpy as np >>> # Exponential data as example of finding good correlation >>> view1 = np.random.normal(loc=2, size=(1000, 75)) >>> view2 = np.exp(view1) >>> view1_test = np.random.normal(loc=2, size=(200, 75)) >>> view2_test = np.exp(view1_test) >>> input_size1, input_size2 = 75, 75 >>> n_components = 2 >>> layer_sizes1 = [1024, 4] >>> layer_sizes2 = [1024, 4] >>> dcca = DCCA(input_size1, input_size2, n_components, layer_sizes1, ... layer_sizes2) >>> dcca =[view1, view2]) >>> outputs = dcca.transform([view1_test, view2_test]) >>> print(outputs[0].shape) (200, 2) References ---------- .. [#1DCCA] Andrew, G., et al., "Deep canonical correlation analysis." In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on International Conferenceon Machine Learning, volume 28, pages 1247–1255., 2013. """ def __init__( self, input_size1=None, input_size2=None, n_components=2, layer_sizes1=None, layer_sizes2=None, use_all_singular_values=False, device=torch.device('cpu'), epoch_num=200, batch_size=800, learning_rate=1e-3, reg_par=1e-5, tolerance=1e-3, print_train_log_info=False ): super().__init__() if layer_sizes1 is None: layer_sizes1 = [1000, n_components] if layer_sizes2 is None: layer_sizes2 = [1000, n_components] self._valid_inputs(input_size1, input_size2, n_components, layer_sizes1, layer_sizes2, use_all_singular_values, device, epoch_num, batch_size, learning_rate, reg_par, tolerance, print_train_log_info) self.input_size1_ = input_size1 self.input_size2_ = input_size2 self.n_components_ = n_components self.use_all_singular_values = use_all_singular_values self.device_ = device self.epoch_num = epoch_num self.batch_size_ = batch_size self.learning_rate_ = learning_rate self.reg_par_ = reg_par self.print_train_log_info = print_train_log_info self.tolerance = tolerance self.deep_model_ = DeepPairedNetworks(layer_sizes1, layer_sizes2, input_size1, input_size2, n_components, use_all_singular_values, device=device) self.linear_cca_ = linear_cca() self.model_ = nn.DataParallel(self.deep_model_) self.loss_ = self.deep_model_.loss_ self.optimizer_ = torch.optim.RMSprop(self.model_.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate_, weight_decay=self.reg_par_) self.is_fit = False def fit(self, Xs, y=None): r""" Fits the deep networks for each view such that the output of the linear CCA has maximum correlation. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of array-likes or numpy.ndarray - Xs length: n_views - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) The data to fit to. Each view will receive its own embedding. y : ignored Included for API compliance. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ Xs = check_Xs(Xs, multiview=True) # ensure valid input # Check valid shapes based on initialization if Xs[0].shape[1] != self.input_size1_: raise ValueError('View 1 input data is incorrect shape based on' ' self.input_size1_. Found {} features but' 'expected {}'.format(Xs[0].shape[1], self.input_size1_)) if Xs[1].shape[1] != self.input_size2_: raise ValueError('View 2 input data is incorrect shape based on' ' self.input_size2_. Found {} features but' 'expected {}'.format(Xs[1].shape[1], self.input_size2_)) x1 = torch.DoubleTensor(Xs[0]) x2 = torch.DoubleTensor(Xs[1]) data_size = x1.size(0) checkpoint = 'checkpoint.model' train_losses = [] epoch = 0 current_loss = np.inf train_loss = 1 while (current_loss - train_loss > self.tolerance)\ and epoch < self.epoch_num: self.model_.train() batch_idxs = list(BatchSampler(RandomSampler(range(data_size)), batch_size=self.batch_size_, drop_last=False)) current_loss = train_loss for batch_idx in batch_idxs: self.optimizer_.zero_grad() batch_x1 = x1[batch_idx, :] batch_x2 = x2[batch_idx, :] o1, o2 = self.model_(batch_x1, batch_x2) loss = self.loss_(o1, o2) train_losses.append(loss.item()) loss.backward() self.optimizer_.step() train_loss = np.mean(train_losses) if self.print_train_log_info: info_string = "Epoch {:d}/{:d},"\ " training_loss: {:.4f}" print(info_string.format(epoch + 1, self.epoch_num, train_loss)), checkpoint) epoch += 1 # Check if converged before max iterations if epoch == self.epoch_num: message = 'Loss did not converge before {} epochs. Consider'\ ' increasing epoch_num to train for'\ ' longer.'.format(self.epoch_num) warnings.warn(message, Warning) # train_linear_cca losses, outputs = self._get_outputs(x1, x2) self._train_linear_cca(outputs[0], outputs[1]) checkpoint_ = torch.load(checkpoint) self.model_.load_state_dict(checkpoint_) self.is_fit = True return self def transform(self, Xs, return_loss=False): r""" Embeds data matrix(s) using the trained deep networks and fitted CCA projection matrices. May be used for out-of-sample embeddings. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of array-likes or numpy.ndarray - Xs length: n_views - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) A list of data matrices from each view to transform based on the prior fit function. If view_idx defined, then Xs is a 2D data matrix corresponding to a single view. return_loss :boolean, default=False If ``True``, returns the loss along with the transformed data in a tuple. Returns ------- Xs_transformed : list of array-likes or array-like Transformed samples. Same structure as Xs, but potentially different n_features_i. loss : float Average loss over data, defined as negative correlation of transformed views. Only returned if ``return_loss=True``. """ if not self.is_fit: raise NotFittedError("Must call fit function before transform") Xs = check_Xs(Xs, multiview=True) x1 = torch.DoubleTensor(Xs[0]) x2 = torch.DoubleTensor(Xs[1]) with torch.no_grad(): losses, outputs = self._get_outputs(x1, x2) outputs = self.linear_cca_.transform(outputs[0], outputs[1]) if return_loss: return outputs, np.mean(losses) return outputs def _train_linear_cca(self, x1, x2): """ Private function to fit the linear CCA model for use after the deep layers. Parameters ---------- x1 : torch.tensor Input view 1 data. x2 : torch.tensor Input view 2 data. """, x2, self.n_components_) def _get_outputs(self, x1, x2): """ Private function to get the transformed data and the corresponding loss for the given inputs. Parameters ---------- x1 : torch.tensor Input view 1 data. x2 : torch.tensor Input view 2 data. Returns ------- losses : list List of losses for each batch taken from the input data. outputs : list of tensors outputs[i] is the output of the deep models for view i. """ with torch.no_grad(): self.model_.eval() data_size = x1.size(0) batch_idxs = list(BatchSampler(SequentialSampler(range(data_size)), batch_size=self.batch_size_, drop_last=False)) losses = [] outputs1 = [] outputs2 = [] for batch_idx in batch_idxs: batch_x1 = x1[batch_idx, :] batch_x2 = x2[batch_idx, :] o1, o2 = self.model_(batch_x1, batch_x2) outputs1.append(o1) outputs2.append(o2) loss = self.loss_(o1, o2) losses.append(loss.item()) outputs = [, dim=0).cpu().numpy(),, dim=0).cpu().numpy()] return losses, outputs def _valid_inputs(self, input_size1, input_size2, n_components, layer_sizes1, layer_sizes2, use_all_singular_values, device, epoch_num, batch_size, learning_rate, reg_par, tolerance, print_train_log_info ): r""" Check that the inputs passed to __init__() are valid. Parameters ---------- input_size1 : int (positive) The dimensionality of the input vectors in view 1. input_size2 : int (positive) The dimensionality of the input vectors in view 2. n_components : int (positive), default=2 The output dimensionality of the correlated projections. The deep network wil transform the data to this size. Must satisfy: ``n_components`` <= max(layer_sizes1[-1], layer_sizes2[-1]). layer_sizes1 : list of ints, default=None The sizes of the layers of the deep network applied to view 1 before CCA. For example, if the input dimensionality is 256, and there is one hidden layer with 1024 units and the output dimensionality is 100 before applying CCA, layer_sizes1=[1024, 100]. If ``None``, set to [1000, ``self.n_components_``]. layer_sizes2 : list of ints, default=None The sizes of the layers of the deep network applied to view 2 before CCA. Does not need to have the same hidden layer architecture as layer_sizes1, but the final dimensionality must be the same. If ``None``, set to [1000, ``self.n_components_``]. use_all_singular_values : boolean (default=False) Whether or not to use all the singular values in the CCA computation to calculate the loss. If False, only the top ``n_components`` singular values are used. device : string, default='cpu' The torch device for processing. Can be used with a GPU if available. epoch_num : int (positive), default=200 The max number of epochs to train the deep networks. batch_size : int (positive), default=800 Batch size for training the deep networks. learning_rate : float (positive), default=1e-3 Learning rate for training the deep networks. reg_par : float (positive), default=1e-5 Weight decay parameter used in the RMSprop optimizer. tolerance : float, (positive), default=1e-2 Threshold difference between successive iteration losses to define convergence and stop training. print_train_log_info : boolean, default=False If ``True``, the training loss at each epoch will be printed to the console when is called. Returns ------- """ # Check input_size parameters if (not isinstance(input_size1, int)) or\ (not isinstance(input_size2, int)) or\ input_size1 < 1 or input_size2 < 1: raise ValueError('input_size1 and input_size2 must be' ' positive integers') # Check n_components if not isinstance(n_components, int) or n_components < 1: raise ValueError('n_components must be positive integer') # Check n_components vs last layer size if not (n_components <= layer_sizes1[-1]) and not\ (n_components <= layer_sizes2[-1]): raise ValueError('n_components must be no greater than final' ' layer size. Desired {} components but {}' ' and {} dimensional final layers' ''.format(n_components, layer_sizes1[-1], layer_sizes2[-1])) # Check layer_sizes if (isinstance(layer_sizes1, list)) or\ (isinstance(layer_sizes2, list)): for elem in layer_sizes1: if not isinstance(elem, int) or elem < 1: raise ValueError('All layer sizes must be positive' ' integers') for elem in layer_sizes2: if not isinstance(elem, int) or elem < 1: raise ValueError('All layer sizes must be positive' ' integers') else: raise ValueError('layer_sizes1 and layer_sizes2 must be of type' ' list') if layer_sizes1[-1] != layer_sizes2[-1]: raise ValueError('Output size of deep networks must match. Make' ' sure layer_sizes1[-1] == layer_sizes2[-1]') # Check epoch_num if not isinstance(epoch_num, int) or epoch_num < 1: raise ValueError('epoch_num must be positive integer') # Check batch_size if not isinstance(batch_size, int) or batch_size < 1: raise ValueError('epoch_num must be positive integer') # Check learning_rate if learning_rate <= 0: raise ValueError('learning_rate must be positive') # Check reg_par if reg_par <= 0: raise ValueError('reg_par must be positive') # Check tolerance if tolerance <= 0: raise ValueError('tolerance must be positive')