Source code for mvlearn.decomposition.grouppca

"""Group Principal Component Analysis."""

# Authors: Pierre Ablin, Hugo Richard
# License: MIT

import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from ..utils.utils import check_Xs
from .base import BaseDecomposer

[docs]class GroupPCA(BaseDecomposer): r"""Group Principal Component Analysis. As an optional preprocessing, each dataset in `Xs` is reduced with usual PCA. Then, datasets are concatenated in the features direction, and a PCA is performed on this matrix, yielding a single output dataset. Linear coefficients linking the output dataset and each view are computed using least squares estimation, which permits to return one dataset per view. Parameters ---------- n_components : int, optional Number of components to extract. If None, n_components is set to the minimum number of features in the dataset. n_individual_components : int or list of int or 'auto', optional The number of individual components to extract as a preprocessing. If None, no preprocessing is applied. If an `int`, each dataset is reduced to this dimension. If a list, the dataset `i` is reduced to the dimension `n_individual_components[i]`. If `'auto'`, set to the minimum between n_components and the smallest number of features in each dataset. multiview_output : bool, optional (default True) If True, the `.transform` method returns one dataset per view. Otherwise, it returns one dataset, of shape (n_samples, n_components) prewhiten : bool, optional (default False) Whether the data should be whitened after the original preprocessing. whiten : bool, optional (default False) When True (False by default) the `components_` vectors are multiplied by the square root of n_samples and then divided by the singular values to ensure uncorrelated outputs with unit component-wise variances. Whitening will remove some information from the transformed signal (the relative variance scales of the components) but can sometime improve the predictive accuracy of the downstream estimators by making their data respect some hard-wired assumptions. random_state : int, RandomState instance, default=None Used when ``svd_solver`` == 'arpack' or 'randomized'. Pass an int for reproducible results across multiple function calls. Attributes ---------- components_ : array, shape (n_components, n_total_features) Principal axes in feature space, representing the directions of maximum variance in the data. The components are sorted by ``explained_variance_``. `n_total_features` is the sum of all the number of input features. explained_variance_ : array, shape (n_components,) The amount of variance explained by each of the selected components. explained_variance_ratio_ : array, shape (n_components,) Percentage of variance explained by each of the selected components. If ``n_components`` is not set then all components are stored and the sum of the ratios is equal to 1.0. individual_components_ : list of array Individual components for each individual PCA. `individual_components_[i]` is an array of shape (n_individual_components, n_features) where n_features is the number of features in the dataset `i`. individual_explained_variance_ : list of array Individual explained variance for each individual PCA. `individual_explained_variance_[i]` is an array of shape (n_individual_components, ). individual_explained_variance_ratio_ : list of array Individual explained variance ratio for each individual PCA. `individual_explained_variance_ratio_[i]` is an array of shape (n_individual_components, ) where n_features is the number of features in the dataset `i`. individual_mean_ : list of array Mean of each dataset, estimated on the training data `individual_mean_[i]` is an array of shape (n_features) where n_features is the number of features in the dataset `i`. individual_projections_ : list of array List containing the linear transform linking the dataset to the output. Xs[i].dot(individual_projections_[i].T) gives the estimated reduced dataset for view i. This is obtained by least squares estimation. individual_embeddings_ : list of array List containing the pseudo-inverses of individual_projections_. Allows to recover each original dataset from reduced data. n_components_ : int The estimated number of components. n_features_ : list of int Number of features in each training dataset. n_samples_ : int Number of samples in the training data. n_views_ : int Number of views in the training data References ---------- .. [#1grouppca] Vince D Calhoun, et al. "A method for making group inferences from functional MRI data using independent component analysis." Human Brain Mapping, 14(3):140–151, 2001. Examples -------- >>> from mvlearn.datasets import load_UCImultifeature >>> from mvlearn.decomposition import GroupPCA >>> Xs, _ = load_UCImultifeature() >>> pca = GroupPCA(n_components=3) >>> Xs_transformed = pca.fit_transform(Xs) >>> print(len(Xs_transformed)) 6 >>> print(Xs_transformed[0].shape) (2000, 3) """ def __init__( self, n_components=None, n_individual_components="auto", multiview_output=True, prewhiten=False, whiten=False, random_state=None, ): self.n_components = n_components self.n_individual_components = n_individual_components self.multiview_output = multiview_output self.prewhiten = prewhiten self.whiten = whiten self.random_state = random_state def fit(self, Xs, y=None): """Fit to the data. This merges datasets together and reduces the dimensionality. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of array-likes or numpy.ndarray - Xs length: n_views - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) y : None Ignored variable. Returns ------- self : object Returns the instance itself. """ X_transformed, n_views, n_samples, n_features = check_Xs( Xs, copy=True, return_dimensions=True ) self.n_views_ = n_views self.n_features_ = n_features self.n_samples_ = n_samples if self.n_components is None: self.n_components_ = min(n_features) else: self.n_components_ = self.n_components if self.n_individual_components == "auto": self.n_individual_components_ = min( self.n_components_, min(n_features) ) else: self.n_individual_components_ = self.n_individual_components if self.n_individual_components_ is None and self.prewhiten: # Still need to whiten data self.n_individual_components_ = self.n_features_ self.individual_pca_ = self.n_individual_components_ is not None self.individual_mean_ = [np.mean(X, axis=0) for X in Xs] if self.individual_pca_: if type(self.n_individual_components_) == int: one_dimension = True else: one_dimension = False self.individual_components_ = [] self.individual_explained_variance_ = [] self.individual_explained_variance_ratio_ = [] for i, X in enumerate(Xs): if one_dimension: dimension = self.n_individual_components_ else: dimension = self.n_individual_components_[i] pca = PCA( dimension, whiten=self.prewhiten, random_state=self.random_state, ) X_transformed[i] = pca.fit_transform(X) self.individual_components_.append(pca.components_) self.individual_explained_variance_ratio_.append( pca.explained_variance_ratio_ ) self.individual_explained_variance_.append( pca.explained_variance_ ) X_stack = np.hstack(X_transformed) pca = PCA(self.n_components_, whiten=self.whiten) X_transformed = pca.fit_transform(X_stack) self.individual_projections_ = [] self.individual_embeddings_ = [] transformed_pinv = linalg.pinv(X_transformed) for X, mean in zip(Xs, self.individual_mean_): lstq_solution =, X - mean) self.individual_projections_.append(linalg.pinv(lstq_solution).T) self.individual_embeddings_.append(lstq_solution.T) self.components_ = pca.components_ self.explained_variance_ = pca.explained_variance_ self.explained_variance_ratio_ = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ return self def transform(self, Xs, y=None, index=None): r"""Apply groupPCA to Xs. Xs is projected on the principal components learned from the training set. Parameters ---------- Xs: list of array-likes - Xs shape: (n_views,) - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) y : None Ignored variable. index: int or array-like, default=None The index or list of indices of the fitted views to which the inputted views correspond. If None, there should be as many inputted views as the fitted views and in the same order. Note that the index parameter is not available in all methods of mvlearn yet. Returns ------- X_transformed : list of array-likes or numpy.ndarray The transformed data. If `multiview_output` is True, it is a list with the estimated individual principal components. If `multiview_output` is False, it is a single array containing the shared principal components. """ check_is_fitted(self) Xs = check_Xs(Xs, copy=True) if index is None: index_ = np.arange(self.n_views_) else: index_ = np.copy(index) index_ = np.atleast_1d(index_) multiview_output = [ - mean, W.T) for W, X, mean in ( zip( [self.individual_projections_[i] for i in index_], Xs, [self.individual_mean_[i] for i in index_], ) ) ] if self.multiview_output: return multiview_output if index is not None: return np.mean(multiview_output, axis=0,) if self.individual_pca_: for i, (X, mean, components_, explained_variance_) in enumerate( zip( Xs, self.individual_mean_, self.individual_components_, self.individual_explained_variance_, ) ): X = X - mean X_transformed =, components_.T) if self.prewhiten: X_transformed /= np.sqrt(explained_variance_) Xs[i] = X_transformed else: Xs = [X - mean for X, mean in zip(Xs, self.individual_mean_)] X_stack = np.hstack(Xs) X_transformed =, self.components_.T) if self.whiten: X_transformed /= np.sqrt(self.explained_variance_) return X_transformed def inverse_transform(self, X_transformed, index=None): r"""Recover multiview data from transformed data. Returns an array Xs such that the transform of Xs would be X_transformed Parameters ---------- X_transformed : list of array-likes or numpy.ndarray The dataset corresponding to transformed data index: int or array-like, default=None The index or list of indices of the fitted views to which the inputted views correspond. If None, there should be as many inputted views as the fitted views and in the same order. Note that the index parameter is not available in all methods of mvlearn yet. Returns ------- Xs : list of arrays The recovered individual datasets """ check_is_fitted(self) if index is None: index_ = np.arange(self.n_views_) else: index_ = np.copy(index) index_ = np.atleast_1d(index) if self.multiview_output: assert len(X_transformed) == len(index_) X_transformed = check_Xs(X_transformed) return [, A.T) + mean for X, A, mean in ( zip( X_transformed, [self.individual_embeddings_[i] for i in index_], [self.individual_mean_[i] for i in index_], ) ) ] if index is not None: return [, A.T) + mean for A, mean in ( zip( [self.individual_embeddings_[i] for i in index_], [self.individual_mean_[i] for i in index_], ) ) ] # Inverse stacked PCA if self.whiten: X_t = X_transformed * np.sqrt(self.explained_variance_) else: X_t = X_transformed X_stack =, self.components_) if self.individual_pca_: Xs = [] cur_p = 0 for (mean, components_, explained_variance_) in zip( self.individual_mean_, self.individual_components_, self.individual_explained_variance_, ): n_features_i = components_.shape[0] sl = slice(cur_p, cur_p + n_features_i) X_i = X_stack[:, sl] if self.prewhiten: X_i *= np.sqrt(explained_variance_) X_i =, components_) X_i = X_i + mean Xs.append(X_i) cur_p += n_features_i else: Xs = np.split(X_stack, np.cumsum(self.n_features_)[:-1], axis=1) Xs = [X + mean for X, mean in zip(Xs, self.individual_mean_)] return Xs