Source code for mvlearn.decomposition.ajive

# MIT License

# Copyright (c) [2017] [Iain Carmichael]

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import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import warnings
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
from scipy.linalg import svd
from .base import BaseDecomposer
from ..utils.utils import check_Xs
from ..embed.utils import select_dimension
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

[docs]class AJIVE(BaseDecomposer): r""" An implementation of Angle-based Joint and Individual Variation Explained [#1ajive]_. This algorithm takes multiple views and decomposes them into 3 distinct matrices representing: - Low rank approximation of joint variation between views - Low rank approximation of individual variation within each view - Residual noise AJIVE can handle any number of views, not just two. Parameters ---------- init_signal_ranks : list, default = None Initial guesses as to the rank of each view's signal. joint_rank : int, default = None Rank of the joint variation matrix. If None, will estimate the joint rank. individual_ranks : list, default = None Ranks of individual variation matrices. If None, will estimate the individual ranks. Otherwise, will use provided individual ranks. n_elbows : int, optional, default = 2 If `init_signal_ranks=None`, then computes the initial signal rank guess using :func:`mvlearn.embed.utils.select_dimension` with n_elbows for each view. reconsider_joint_components : boolean, default = True Triggers `_reconsider_joint_components` function to run and removes columns of joint scores according to identifiability constraint. wedin_percentile : int, default = 5 Percentile used for wedin (lower) bound cutoff for squared singular values used to estimate joint rank. n_wedin_samples : int, default = 1000 Number of wedin bound samples to draw. randdir_percentile : int, default = 95 Percentile for random direction (lower) bound cutoff for squared singular values used to estimate joint rank. n_randdir_samples : int, default = 1000 Number of random direction samples to draw. verbose : boolean, default = False Prints information during runtime if True. n_jobs : int (positive) or None, default=None The number of jobs to run in parallel. `None` will run 1 job, `-1` uses all processors. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, default=None Used to seed a random initialization for reproducible results. If None, a random initialization is used. Attributes ---------- means_ : numpy.ndarray The means of each view. sv_thresholds_ : list of floats The singular value thresholds for each view based on initial SVD. Used to estimate the individual ranks. all_joint_svals_ : list of floats All singular values from the concatenated joint matrix. random_sv_samples_ : list of floats Random singular value samples from random direction bound. rand_cutoff_ : float Singular value squared cutoff for the random direction bound. wedin_samples_ : list of numpy.ndarray The wedin samples for each view. wedin_cutoff_ : float Singular value squared cutoff for the wedin bound. svalsq_cutoff_ : float max(rand_cutoff_, wedin_cutoff_) joint_rank_wedin_est_ : int The joint rank estimated using the wedin/random direction bound init_signal_ranks_ : list of ints Provided or estimated init_signal_ranks joint_rank_ : int The rank of the joint matrix joints_scores_ : numpy.ndarray Left singular vectors of the joint matrix individual_ranks_ : list of ints Ranks of the individual matrices for each view. individual_scores_ : list of numpy.ndarrays Left singular vectors of each view after joint matrix is removed individual_svals_ = list of numpy.ndarrays Singular values of each view after joint matrix is removed individual_loadings_ : list of numpy.ndarrays Right singular vectors of each view after joint matrix is removed individual_mats_ : list of numpy.ndarrays Individual matrices for each view, reconstructed from the SVD Notes ----- Angle-Based Joint and Individual Variation Explained (AJIVE) is a specfic variation of the Joint and Individual Variation Explained (JIVE) algorithm. This algorithm takes :math:`k` different views with :math:`n` observations and :math:`d` variables and finds a basis that represents the joint variation and :math:`k` bases with their own ranks representing the individual variation of each view. Each of these individual bases is orthonormal to the joint basis. These bases are then used to create the following :math:`k` statements: .. math:: X^{(i)}= J^{(i)} + I^{(i)} + E^{(i)} where :math:`X^{(i)}` represents the i-th view of data and :math:`J^{(i)}`, :math:`I^{(i)}`, and :math:`E^{(i)}` represent its joint, individual, and noise signal estimates respectively. The AJIVE algorithm calculations can be split into three seperate steps: - Signal Space Initial Extraction - Score Space Segmentation - Final Decomposition and Outputs In the **Signal Space Initial Extraction** step we compute a rank :math:`r_{initial}^{(i)}` singular value decomposition for each :math:`X^{(i)}`, the value of :math:`r_{initial}^{(i)}` can be found by looking at the scree plots of each view or thresholding based on singular value. From each singular value decomposition, the first :math:`r_{initial}^{(i)}` columns of of the scores matrix (:math:`U^{(i)}`) are taken to form :math:`\widetilde{U}^{(i)}`. After this, the **Score Space Segmentation** step concatenates the *k* :math:`\widetilde{U}^{(i)}` matrices found in the first step as follows: .. math:: M = [\widetilde{U}^{(1)}, \dots, \widetilde{U}^{(k)}] From here, the :math:`r_{joint}` singular value decomposition is taken. :math:`r_{joint}` is estimated individually or using the wedin bound which quantifies how the theoretical singular subspaces are affected by noise as thereby quantifying the distance between rank of the original input and the estimation. For the scores of the singular value decomposition of :math:`M`, the first :math:`r_{joint}` columns are taken to obtain the basis, :math:`U_{joint}`. The :math:`J^{(i)}` matrix (joint signal estimate) can be found by projecting :math:`X^{(i)}` onto :math:`U_{joint}`. In the *Final Decomposition and Outputs* step, we project each :math:`X^{i}` matrix onto the orthogonal complement of :math:`U_{joint}`: .. math:: X^{(i), orthog} = (I - U_{joint}U_{joint}^T)X^{(i)} :math:`I` in the above equation represents the identity matrix. From here, the :math:`I^{(i)}` matrix (individual signal estimate) can be found by performing the rank :math:`r_{individual}^{(i)}` singular value decomposition of :math:`X^{(i), orthog}`. :math:`r_{individual}^{(i)}` can be found by using the aforementioned singular value thresholding method. Finally, we can solve for the noise estimates, :math:`E^{(i)}` by using the equation: .. math:: E^{(i)}= X^{(i)} - (J^{(i)} + I^{(i)}) Much of this implementation has been adapted from **Iain Carmichael** Ph.D.'s pip-installable package, *jive*, the code for which is `linked here <>`_. References ---------- .. [#1ajive] Qing Feng, Meilei Jiang, Jan Hannig, and J.S. Marron. "Angle-based joint and individual variation explained." Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 166:241–265, 2018. Examples -------- >>> from mvlearn.factorization.ajive import AJIVE >>> from mvlearn.datasets import load_UCImultifeature >>> Xs, _ = load_UCImultifeature() >>> print(len(Xs)) # number of views 6 >>> print(Xs[0].shape, Xs[1].shape) # number of samples in each view (2000, 76) (2000, 216) >>> ajive = AJIVE() >>> Xs_transformed = ajive.fit_transform(Xs) >>> print(Xs_transformed[0].shape) (2000, 76) """ def __init__(self, init_signal_ranks=None, joint_rank=None, individual_ranks=None, n_elbows=2, reconsider_joint_components=True, wedin_percentile=5, n_wedin_samples=1000, randdir_percentile=95, n_randdir_samples=1000, verbose=False, n_jobs=None, random_state=None, ): self.init_signal_ranks = init_signal_ranks self.joint_rank = joint_rank self.individual_ranks = individual_ranks self.n_elbows = n_elbows self.wedin_percentile = wedin_percentile self.n_wedin_samples = n_wedin_samples self.randdir_percentile = randdir_percentile self.n_randdir_samples = n_randdir_samples self.reconsider_joint_components = reconsider_joint_components self.verbose = verbose self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.random_state = random_state self._check_params() def fit(self, Xs, y=None): r""" Learns a decomposition of the views into joint and individual matrices. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of array-likes or numpy.ndarray - Xs length: n_views - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) The data to fit to. y : None Ignored variable. Returns ------- self : object Returns the instance itself. """ # Check data Xs, n_views, n_samples, n_features = check_Xs( Xs, return_dimensions=True ) self.view_shapes_ = [(n_samples, f) for f in n_features] # Check parameters with data self._check_fit_params(n_views, n_samples, n_features) # Estimate signal ranks if not given if self.init_signal_ranks is None: self.init_signal_ranks_ = [] for X in Xs: elbows, _ = select_dimension(X, n_elbows=self.n_elbows) self.init_signal_ranks_.append(elbows[-1]) else: self.init_signal_ranks_ = self.init_signal_ranks # Center columns and store self.means_ = [np.mean(X, axis=0) for X in Xs] Xs = [X - mean for X, mean in zip(Xs, self.means_)] # SVD to extract signal on each view self.sv_thresholds_ = [] score_matrices = [] sval_matrices = [] loading_matrices = [] for i, (X, signal_rank) in enumerate( zip(Xs, self.init_signal_ranks_) ): if signal_rank >= min(X.shape): warnings.warn(f"Given rank {signal_rank} greater or equal to \ maximum possible full rank {min(X.shape)}. Using \ 1 minus full instead", RuntimeWarning) signal_rank = min(X.shape) - 1 self.init_signal_ranks_[i] = signal_rank # signal rank + 1 to get individual rank sv threshold U, D, V = _svd_wrapper(X, signal_rank + 1) # The SV threshold is halfway between the signal_rank # and signal_rank + 1 singular value. self.sv_thresholds_.append( (D[signal_rank - 1] + D[signal_rank])/2 ) # Store SVD results score_matrices.append(U[:, :signal_rank]) sval_matrices.append(D[:signal_rank]) loading_matrices.append(V[:, :signal_rank]) # SVD of joint signal matrix. Here we are trying to estimate joint # rank and find an apt joint basis. joint_scores_matrix = np.hstack(score_matrices) joint_scores, joint_svals, joint_loadings = \ _svd_wrapper(joint_scores_matrix) self.all_joint_svals_ = deepcopy(joint_svals) # estimate joint rank using wedin bound and random direction if a # joint rank estimate has not already been provided if self.joint_rank is None: # Calculate sv samples np.random.seed(self.random_state) self.random_sv_samples_ = \ _sample_randdir(n_samples, self.init_signal_ranks_, self.n_randdir_samples, self.n_jobs) # Compute wedin samples np.random.seed(self.random_state) self.wedin_samples_ = [ _get_wedin_samples( X, U, D, V, rank, self.n_wedin_samples, self.n_jobs ) for X, U, D, V, rank in zip( Xs, score_matrices, sval_matrices, loading_matrices, self.init_signal_ranks_) ] # Joint singular value lower bounds (Lemma 3) self.wedin_sv_samples_ = n_views - \ np.array([sum([w[i]**2 for w in self.wedin_samples_]) for i in range(self.n_wedin_samples)]) # Now calculate joint matrix rank self.wedin_cutoff_ = np.percentile(self.wedin_sv_samples_, self.wedin_percentile) self.rand_cutoff_ = np.percentile(self.random_sv_samples_, self.randdir_percentile) self.svalsq_cutoff_ = max(self.wedin_cutoff_, self.rand_cutoff_) self.joint_rank_wedin_est_ = sum(joint_svals ** 2 > self.svalsq_cutoff_) self.joint_rank_ = deepcopy(self.joint_rank_wedin_est_) else: self.joint_rank_ = deepcopy(self.joint_rank) # check identifiability constraint if self.reconsider_joint_components: self.joint_scores_, _, _, self.joint_rank_ = \ _reconsider_joint_components(Xs, self.sv_thresholds_, joint_scores, joint_svals, joint_loadings, self.joint_rank_, self.verbose) # Joint basis self.joint_scores_ = self.joint_scores_[:, :self.joint_rank_] # view estimates self.individual_scores_ = [] self.individual_svals_ = [] self.individual_loadings_ = [] if self.individual_ranks is None: self.individual_ranks_ = [] else: self.individual_ranks_ = self.individual_ranks for i, (X, sv_threshold) in enumerate(zip(Xs, self.sv_thresholds_)): # View specific joint space creation # projecting X onto the joint space then compute SVD # Then find the orthogonal complement to the joint matrix if self.joint_rank_ != 0: J = np.array(,, X))) U, D, V = _svd_wrapper(J, self.joint_rank_) X_orthog = X - J else: U, D, V = None, None, None X_orthog = X # estimate individual rank using sv threshold, then compute SVD if self.individual_ranks is None: max_rank = min(X.shape) - self.joint_rank_ if max_rank == 0: rank = 0 else: U, D, V = _svd_wrapper(X_orthog, max_rank) rank = sum(D > sv_threshold) if rank == 0: U, D, V = None, None, None else: U = U[:, :rank] D = D[:rank] V = V[:, :rank] self.individual_ranks_.append(rank) else: # if user inputs rank list for individual matrices rank = self.individual_ranks_[i] if rank == 0: U, D, V = None, None, None else: U, D, V = _svd_wrapper(X_orthog, rank) self.individual_scores_.append(U) self.individual_svals_.append(D) self.individual_loadings_.append(V) return self def transform(self, Xs): r""" Returns the joint matrices from each view. Parameters ---------- Xs: list of array-likes - Xs length: n_views - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) Data to be transformed Returns ------- Js : list of numpy.ndarray Joint matrices of each inputted view. """ check_is_fitted(self) Xs = check_Xs(Xs) if self.joint_rank_ == 0: Js = [np.zeros(s) for s in self.view_shapes_] warnings.warn( "Joint rank is 0, returning zero matrix.", RuntimeWarning ) else: Js = [self.joint_scores_ @ self.joint_scores_.T @ (X - mean) for X, mean in zip(Xs, self.means_)] return Js def inverse_transform(self, Xs_transformed): r"""Recover original data from transformed data. Parameters ---------- Xs_transformed: list of array-likes - Xs length: n_views - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) Estimated joint views Returns ------- Xs : list of arrays The summed individual and joint blocks and mean """ check_is_fitted(self) Xs_transformed = check_Xs(Xs_transformed) return [X + I + mean for X, I, mean in zip( Xs_transformed, self.individual_mats_, self.means_)] def _check_params(self): if self.joint_rank is not None and ( (self.init_signal_ranks is not None and self.joint_rank > sum(self.init_signal_ranks)) or self.joint_rank < 0): raise ValueError( "joint_rank must be between 0 and the sum of the \ init_signal_ranks" ) if self.init_signal_ranks is None and self.n_elbows is None: raise ValueError("Either init_signal_ranks must be provided a \ list or n_elbows must be a positive integer") if not isinstance(self.n_wedin_samples, int) or \ self.n_wedin_samples < 1: raise ValueError("n_wedin_samples must be a positive integer") if not isinstance(self.n_randdir_samples, int) or \ self.n_randdir_samples < 1: raise ValueError("n_randdir_samples must be a positive integer") if self.init_signal_ranks is not None and \ not isinstance(self.init_signal_ranks, (list, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError("init_signal_ranks must be of type list if \ not None") if self.individual_ranks is not None and \ not isinstance(self.individual_ranks, (list, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError("individual_ranks must be of type list if \ not None") def _check_fit_params(self, n_views, n_samples, n_features): max_ranks = np.minimum(n_samples, n_features) if self.init_signal_ranks is not None and ( not np.all(1 <= np.asarray(self.init_signal_ranks)) or not np.all(np.asarray(self.init_signal_ranks) <= max_ranks)): raise ValueError( "init_signal_ranks must all be between 1 and the minimum \ of the number of rows and columns for each view") if self.individual_ranks is not None and \ len(self.individual_ranks) != n_views: raise ValueError("individual_ranks must be of length \ n_views") if self.init_signal_ranks is not None and \ len(self.init_signal_ranks) != n_views: raise ValueError("init_signal_ranks must be of length \ n_views") @property def individual_mats_(self): """Computes full individual matrices from saved decompositions""" check_is_fitted(self) Is = [] for i, r in enumerate(self.individual_ranks_): if r == 0: Is.append(np.zeros(self.view_shapes_[i])) else: Is.append( self.individual_scores_[i] @ np.diag(self.individual_svals_[i]) @ self.individual_loadings_[i].T ) return Is
def _reconsider_joint_components( Xs, sv_thresholds, joint_scores, joint_svals, joint_loadings, joint_rank, verbose ): """ Checks the identifiability constraint on the joint singular values and removes columns that fail. Set `verbose=True` to print removed columns. """ # check identifiability constraint to_keep = set(range(joint_rank)) for X, sv_threshold in zip(Xs, sv_thresholds): for j in to_keep: # This might be joint_sv score = X.T @ joint_scores[:, j] sv = np.linalg.norm(score) # if sv is below the threshold for any data block remove j if sv < sv_threshold: if verbose: print(f"Excluding column {j}, below identifiability \ threshold") to_keep.remove(j) break # remove columns of joint_scores that don't satisfy the constraint joint_rank = len(to_keep) joint_scores = joint_scores[:, list(to_keep)] joint_loadings = joint_loadings[:, list(to_keep)] joint_svals = joint_svals[list(to_keep)] return joint_scores, joint_svals, joint_loadings, joint_rank def _sample_randdir(num_obs, signal_ranks, R=1000, n_jobs=None): r""" Draws samples for the random direction bound. Parameters ---------- num_obs: int Number of observations. signal_ranks: list of ints The initial signal ranks for each block. R: int Number of samples to draw. n_jobs: int, None Number of jobs for parallel processing using sklearn.externals.joblib.Parallel. If None, will not use parallel processing. Returns ------- random_sv_samples: numpy.ndarray, shape (R,) """ random_sv_samples = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_get_randdir_sample)(num_obs, signal_ranks) for i in range(R) ) return np.array(random_sv_samples) def _get_randdir_sample(num_obs, signal_ranks): """ Computes squared largest singular value of random joint matrix """ M = [None for _ in range(len(signal_ranks))] for k in range(len(signal_ranks)): # sample random orthonormal basis Z = np.random.normal(size=(num_obs, signal_ranks[k])) M[k] = np.linalg.qr(Z)[0] M = np.bmat(M) _, svs, __ = _svd_wrapper(M, rank=1) return max(svs) ** 2 def _get_wedin_samples(X, U, D, V, rank, R=1000, n_jobs=None): r""" Computes the wedin bound using the sample-project procedure. This method does not require the full SVD. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The data U, D, V : array-likes The partial SVD of X=UDV^T rank : int The rank of the signal space R : int Number of samples for resampling procedure n_jobs: int, None Number of jobs for parallel processing using sklearn.externals.joblib.Parallel. If None, will not use parallel processing. Returns ------- wedin_bound_samples : list of resampled wedin bounds """ # resample for U and V U_norm_samples = _norms_sample_project( X.T, U[:, :rank], R, n_jobs ) V_norm_samples = _norms_sample_project( X, V[:, :rank], R, n_jobs ) sigma_min = D[rank - 1] wedin_bound_samples = [ min(max(U_norm_samples[r], V_norm_samples[r]) / sigma_min, 1) for r in range(R) ] return wedin_bound_samples def _norms_sample_project(X, basis, R=1000, n_jobs=None): r""" Samples vectors from space orthogonal to signal space as follows - sample random vector from isotropic distribution - project onto orthogonal complement of signal space and normalize Parameters --------- X: array-like, shape (N, D) The observed data B: array-like The basis for the signal col/rows space (e.g. the left/right singular\ vectors) rank: int Number of columns to resample R: int Number of samples n_jobs: int, None Number of jobs for parallel processing. Returns ------- samples : list of the resampled noise norms """ samples = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_get_noise_sample)(X, basis) for i in range(R) ) return np.array(samples) def _get_noise_sample(X, basis): """ Estimates magnitude of noise matrix projected onto signal matrix. """ # sample from isotropic distribution vecs = np.random.normal(size=basis.shape) # project onto space orthogonal to cols of B # vecs = (np.eye(dim) -, basis.T)).dot(vecs) vecs = vecs -,, vecs)) # orthonormalize vecs, _ = np.linalg.qr(vecs) # compute operator L2 norm return np.linalg.norm(, ord=2) def _svd_wrapper(X, rank=None): r""" Computes the full or partial SVD of a matrix. Handles the case where X is either dense or sparse. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (N, D) rank : int rank of the desired SVD. If `None`, the full SVD is used. Returns ------- U : array-like, shape (N, rank) Orthonormal matrix of left singular vectors. D : list, shape (rank,) Singular values in decreasing order V : array-like, shape (D, rank) Orthonormal matrix of right singular vectors """ full = False if rank is None or rank == min(X.shape): full = True if not full: assert rank <= min(X.shape) - 1 # svds cannot compute the full svd U, D, V = svds(X, rank) # Sort in decreasing order sv_reordering = np.argsort(-D) U = U[:, sv_reordering] D = D[sv_reordering] V = V.T[:, sv_reordering] else: U, D, V = svd(X, full_matrices=False) if rank: U = U[:, :rank] D = D[:rank] V = V.T[:, :rank] return U, D, V