Source code for mvlearn.cluster.mv_coreg_spectral

# License: MIT
# Implements multi-view spectral clustering algorithm for data with
# multiple views.

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

from .mv_spectral import MultiviewSpectralClustering

AFFINITY_METRICS = ['rbf', 'nearest_neighbors', 'poly']

[docs]class MultiviewCoRegSpectralClustering(MultiviewSpectralClustering): r''' An implementation of co-regularized multi-view spectral clustering based on an unsupervied version of the co-training framework. This algorithm uses the pairwise co-regularization scheme as described in [#4Clu]_. This algorithm can handle 2 or more views of data. Parameters ---------- n_clusters : int The number of clusters v_lambda : float, optional, default=2 The regularization parameter. This parameter trades-off the spectral clustering objectives with the degree of agreement between each pair of views in the new representation. Must be a positive value. random_state : int, optional, default=None Determines random number generation for k-means. info_view : int, optional, default=None The most informative view. Must be between 0 and n_views-1 If given, then the final clustering will be performed on the designated view alone. Otherwise, the algorithm will concatenate across all views and cluster on the result. max_iter : int, optional, default=10 The maximum number of iterations to run the clustering algorithm. n_init : int, optional, default=10 The number of random initializations to use for k-means clustering. affinity : string, optional, default='rbf' The affinity metric used to construct the affinity matrix. Options include 'rbf' (radial basis function), 'nearest_neighbors', and 'poly' (polynomial) gamma : float, optional, default=None Kernel coefficient for rbf and polynomial kernels. If None then gamma is computed as 1 / (2 * median(pair_wise_distances(X))^2) for each data view X. n_neighbors : int, optional, default=10 Only used if nearest neighbors is selected for affinity. The number of neighbors to use for the nearest neighbors kernel. Attributes ---------- labels_ : array-like, shape (n_samples,) Cluster labels for each point. embedding_ : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_clusters) The final spectral representation of the data to be used as input for the KMeans clustering step. objective_ : array-like, shape (n_views, n_iterations) The value of the spectral clustering objective for each view at the end of each iteration. Notes ----- In standard spectral clustering, the eigenvector matrix U for a given view is the new data representation to be used for the subsequent k-means clustering stage. In this algorithm, the objective function has been altered to encourage the pairwise similarities of examples under the new representation to be similar across all views. The modified spectral clustering objective for the case of two views is shown and derived in [#4Clu]. In the clustering objective, the hyperparameter lambda trades-off the spectral clustering objectives and the disagreement term. For a fixed lambda and n, the objective function is bounded from above and non-decreasing. As such, the algorithm is guaranteed to converge. References ---------- .. [#4Clu] Abhishek Kumar, Piyush Rai, and Hal Daume. Co-regularized multi-view spectral cluster-ing. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, page 1413–1421. Curran Associates Inc., 2011. Examples -------- >>> from mvlearn.datasets import load_UCImultifeature >>> from mvlearn.cluster import MultiviewCoRegSpectralClustering >>> from sklearn.metrics import normalized_mutual_info_score as nmi_score >>> # Get 5-class data >>> data, labels = load_UCImultifeature(select_labeled = list(range(5))) >>> mv_data = data[:2] # first 2 views only >>> mv_spectral = MultiviewCoRegSpectralClustering(n_clusters=5, ... random_state=10, n_init=100) >>> mv_clusters = mv_spectral.fit_predict(mv_data) >>> nmi = nmi_score(labels, mv_clusters, average_method='arithmetic') >>> print('{0:.3f}'.format(nmi)) 0.663 ''' def __init__(self, n_clusters=2, v_lambda=2, random_state=None, info_view=None, max_iter=10, n_init=10, affinity='rbf', gamma=None, n_neighbors=10): super().__init__(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=random_state, info_view=info_view, max_iter=max_iter, n_init=n_init, affinity=affinity, gamma=gamma, n_neighbors=n_neighbors) self.v_lambda = v_lambda self.objective_ = None def _init_umat(self, X): r''' Computes the top several eigenvectors of the normalized graph laplacian of a given similarity matrix. The number of eigenvectors returned is equal to n_clusters. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape(n_samples, n_samples) The similarity matrix for the data in a single view. Returns ------- u_mat : array-like, shape(n_samples, n_clusters) The top n_cluster eigenvectors of the normalized graph laplacian. laplacian : array-like, shape(n_samples, n_samples) The normalized graph laplacian for the similarity matrix. obj_val : float The updated value for the objective function for the given view. ''' # Compute the normalized laplacian d_mat = np.diag(np.sum(X, axis=1)) d_alt = np.sqrt(np.linalg.inv(d_mat)) laplacian = d_alt @ X @ d_alt # Make the resulting matrix symmetric laplacian = (laplacian + np.transpose(laplacian)) / 2.0 # Obtain the top n_cluster eigenvectors of the laplacian u_mat, d_mat, _ = sp.sparse.linalg.svds(laplacian, k=self.n_clusters) obj_val = np.sum(d_mat) return u_mat, laplacian, obj_val def fit(self, Xs): r''' Performs clustering on the multiple views of data. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of array-likes or numpy.ndarray - Xs length: n_views - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) This list must be of size n_views, corresponding to the number of views of data. Each view can have a different number of features, but they must have the same number of samples. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. ''' check_u_mats = list() # Perform checks on inputted parameters and data Xs = self._param_checks(Xs) if self.v_lambda <= 0: msg = 'v_lambda must be a positive value' raise ValueError(msg) # Compute the similarity matrices sims = [self._affinity_mat(X) for X in Xs] # Initialize matrices of eigenvectors U_mats = [] L_mats = [] obj_vals = np.zeros((self._n_views, self.max_iter)) for ind in range(len(sims)): u_mat, l_mat, o_val = self._init_umat(sims[ind]) U_mats.append(u_mat) L_mats.append(l_mat) obj_vals[ind, 0] = o_val check_u_mats.append(U_mats[0]) # Iteratively solve for all U's n_items = Xs[0].shape[0] for it in range(1, self.max_iter): # Performing alternating maximization by cycling through all # pairs of views and updating all except view 1 for v1 in range(1, self._n_views): # Computing the regularization term for view v1 l_comp = np.zeros((n_items, n_items)) for v2 in range(self._n_views): if v1 != v2: l_comp = l_comp + U_mats[v2] @ U_mats[v2].T l_comp = (l_comp + l_comp.T) / 2 # Adding the symmetrized graph laplacian for view v1 l_mat = L_mats[v1] + self.v_lambda * l_comp U_mats[v1], d_mat, _ = sp.sparse.linalg.svds(l_mat, k=self.n_clusters) obj_vals[v1, it] = np.sum(d_mat) # Update U and the objective function value for view 1 l_comp = np.zeros((n_items, n_items)) for vi in range(self._n_views): if vi != 0: l_comp = l_comp + U_mats[vi] @ U_mats[vi].T l_comp = (l_comp + l_comp.T) / 2 l_mat = L_mats[0] + self.v_lambda * l_comp U_mats[0], d_mat, _ = sp.sparse.linalg.svds(l_mat, k=self.n_clusters) obj_vals[0, it] = np.sum(d_mat) check_u_mats.append(U_mats[0]) self.objective_ = obj_vals # Create final spectral embedding to cluster V_mat = np.hstack(U_mats) norm_v = np.sqrt(np.diag(V_mat @ V_mat.T)) norm_v[norm_v == 0] = 1 self.embedding_ = np.linalg.inv(np.diag(norm_v)) @ V_mat # Perform kmeans clustering with embedding kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=self.n_clusters, n_init=self.n_init, random_state=self.random_state) self.labels_ = kmeans.fit_predict(self.embedding_) return self def fit_predict(self, Xs, y=None): r''' Performs clustering on the multiple views of data and returns the cluster labels. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of array-likes or numpy.ndarray - Xs length: n_views - Xs[i] shape: (n_samples, n_features_i) This list must be of size n_views, corresponding to the number of views of data. Each view can have a different number of features, but they must have the same number of samples. y : ignored Included for API compliance. Returns ------- labels : array-like, shape (n_samples,) The predicted cluster labels for each sample. ''' labels = self.labels_ return labels